Saturday, 23 January 2010

Week Seven

This week I haven't written much again, much to my dismay. But that's what happens when you wind up doing work for a college course. Heartstones has to take a side step for a few days, which is quite unfortunate cos I do love it.

I sent a part of the script off to a university the other day, it had to be marked (well according to the uni! :P) which was quite odd. But the feedback I got was really useful so when I do go back and write again I think there's going to be a few changes to the script! :P I was just sitting there nervously awaiting to see what they'd say. :P It always puts you on the spot those kind of things because if something bad is said, well it shatters you a little bit doesn't it?

I don't know what I'll be like in uni....

I've given myself the personal deadline (now this is going to seem a long way away!) of having the script finished and edited by this time next year. Of course it might not take that long, or it could take that long. I'm just seeing how things go. When I first started this project I didn't actually think it'd take me a year to get to this point, I naively just assumed it'd be done in a matter of months.

of course it wasn't. :P And the development carried on, and on and on and well Heartstones is how it is now. But the problem is all of you who may be reading this (unless your Kathryn! :P) won't have any idea just how developed the story and world actually is. Because when I say developed, I mean developed. It has places and gods, religions, traditions... just everything that a world should have I suppose.

It's just hard trying to not give away a massive plot element, which is why there's various parts of the website that's not finished yet. I haven't filled in all of the story world because I want it wait until the story is actually up and going.

Where's the fun in reading it to find things out if there's a massive spoiler on the website?

I think it'd just ruin the whole thing, so I'm going to refrain from adding any "spoilers" until the actual story is up and going and only adding them when its appropriate. :D

There's no proper rules to doing a webcomic (I may have said this last week! I don't remember! :P) not that I've found anyway, so until those rules actually throw them onto to me, I'll just carry on like I'm doing and add the special features.

More Stories anyone?

We have a lot! :P

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