Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Header up

I'm very pleased to say that I've managed to get the header up, it's driving me mad that the font is grey and can barely be seen though!

My IT skills haven't quite gotten that far just yet, it's rather annoying.

But then I suppose that's all a big learning curve. Teaching myself to write a graphic novel is a big learning curve (and I'm probably doing a lot of it wrong!) but along side that there's artists to consider (well Kathryn to consider, and once again she's taught me a lot about Art! I find myself now looking at people and thinking "ohhh they have 10 whatever between they're eyes!") And then there's the website, which if anyone has been following this from the start will know the three week struggle to get the header up on the actual website.

So yes, not only am I investing a lot of my time on writing a graphic novel, I'm also learning a lot about codes and htmls and websites!

thank goodness I passed that IT exam! It's almost as if all these little codes was helping me.


1 comment:

  1. Why dont you have the header instead of the title like with my Cybaria Productions Blog banner?
