Monday, 5 April 2010

Squee Pictures

As it's the holidays I've suddenly decided that I would add another blog. There may be a few more this week for all I know! The first reason for this rather random update is to state that:

1. Kathryn has drawn a squee picture that I haven't seen yet of Jack and Eliza. I've seen the picture it's based off (or was going to be based off because according to her it changed) and now I've written a squee scene.

The thing about this squee scene is that it actually could fit somewhere in the comic, so not only am I getting rather excited to see this new picture. I'm also getting excited at what could possibly happen in the story of Heartstones in the latter volumes. :D

Oh yes, I'm all for writing drama!

2. I've gotten even more Heartstones written! I've managed to sit down and write and then when I tried this morning the flow didn't come back. If there's one thing really infuriating about writing (or me writing anyway) it's that I have to be in the right mood for the particular story to be written. That being said, I have also just planned out the next chapter.

And I can't wait! It's gotten more developed just by doing this little plan of mine in the notebook I carry everywhere. I can't wait to show Kathryn on wednesday either, I think she'll be really excited by the revelations I've come up with.

I've played around with this story for so long that it's got the point where it's just all fitting together. Granted it changes all the time, but the ending is sorted, the plot lines are sorted.

It's getting there, finally!

See you on Friday (or before if I have a sudden revelation about writing!)

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